Legislation in Saskatchewan

Useful documents

Petition document - click here
Letter to MLA - click here
Colour brochure - click here

Consultation questions - click here
Draft legislation 2019 - click here
E-mail to stakeholders 2019 - click here
Q&As consultation package - click here

Update - March 27, 2024

  • The SCMT (Saskatchewan College of Massage Therapy) Working Group continues to meet monthly to take on the many tasks that need to be developed and considered prior to the College opening. Our work continues to be collaborative and productive between our three Associations.
  • We have successfully developed our administrative and regulated bylaws which have been sent out for consideration and feedback to the NIRO group. (Network of Interprofessional Regulatory Organizations).
  • While we wait for their feedback, we have begun the work of establishing the processes related to college entry and grandfathering. We would like to reassure all practicing Saskatchewan massage therapists who are in good standing with one of the three Associations mentioned in the act that you will be eligible to be grandfathered into the College.
  • As we reach new milestones we will continue to share with you our progress on the road to Regulation.

Update - July 25, 2017

PSA announcement

Update - July 6, 2017

Legislation stalled by Government

Update - August 31, 2015

Click here to read an interview with Lori Green, MTAS Executive Director, in the Regina Leader Post about the status of legislation

Update - August 26, 2015

Click here to download the most recent letter from the Saskatchewan Government, regarding legislation

Update - July 13, 2015

** A reminder that the proposal for regulation is still in the very early stages for consideration. 
A decision has not been made by the Government whether the proposal will be introduced in the Legislature. 
We expect to know this in the Fall of 2015.**

Update - June 26, 2015

Presently there is a consultation document that has been circulated to stakeholders in Saskatchewan to get their views and feedback regarding the regulation of massage therapists in Saskatchewan.

This side-by-side consultation document has been drafted by the Ministry of Health, based upon Saskatchewan’s template legislation for self-regulating health professions.  This type of legislation provides title protection but not scope of practice protection.  Template legislation is used to govern such professions as physical therapists and occupational therapists.  This means that if this proposal moves forward that those individuals who do not become regulated would still be able to provide services to the public but they would not be able to use the title “Massage Therapist” or “Registered Massage Therapist” because those would be protected titles under the legislation.

It is not the intent of the Government of Saskatchewan to put people out of business; nor is it the Government’s intent the legislation would be created for the MTAS Association only.  Rather the intent is to provide protection to the public by ensuring that when they do seek services from a registered massage therapist that they can be assured that the RMT meets appropriate standards to provide safe and competent care.  It also does not prevent members of the public from accessing relaxation massage services when they want those services.

It should also be clarified that the legislative proposal is not exclusive to MTAS members only.  Rather all massage therapists in Saskatchewan (whether MTAS members or not) will be eligible for membership in the regulatory College once it is formed, if they meet the registration requirements set by the College (not MTAS).