ANNUAL REPORT 2023: Annual Report 2023
President: Camille Lapierre
Vice President (resigned): Erin Sobkow
Interim Vice President/Member at Large: Jordan Smith
Treasurer: Amanda Gara
Secretary: Aileen Tran Mapletoft
Competency/Continuing Education: Lara Brierley
Public Relations: Tim Rutley
Complaints and Investigation: Natalie Cargan
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2024 AGM Agenda
Call to order: Sunday April 7th, 2024
- Housekeeping
- Review/amend/adopt Agenda
- Review/amend/adopt Minutes of hybrid AGM – April 2nd, 2023
- Business arising from the Minutes
- Board and administrative reports (as written)
- Audited financial statements
- Bylaw amendments
- Report of the nominating committee
- Election
- Date of next meeting
- Adjournment
Date of next meeting: Saskatoon/hybrid - TBC March 30, 2024.
NOTE: Pre-registration for the 2024 meeting is required and will close on March 29th at midnight.
Board of Directors' and Administrative Reports
Welcome to all new members and hello again to you valued members of MTAS! 2023 set everything back in motion and I’m sure you’ve all felt the g-force of life going back to functioning at 100 miles/hour! Along with the general day to day functions of our organization, as Chair, I continued to actively participate in the Saskatchewan College of Massage Therapy Working Group as well as working out the framework to becoming a member-focused association. Below are the highlights from this past year.
As MTAS navigates toward a member advocacy organization only, marketing has become even more important so that the general public knows who we are. Our website is currently getting a clean-up for both the public and the members sections. We really want to direct traffic to the website for the most current and up to date information.
The decision to move to monthly meetings proved to be very efficient. Our Strategic Planning weekend created a 2-year plan thus reducing future costs of holding a yearly event. A review of the plan will be scheduled during a monthly meeting.
The Saskatchewan College of Massage Therapy Working Group continues to meet monthly. The administrative and regulatory bylaws drafts are now complete and have been submitted to NIRO(Network of Interprofessional Regulatory Organizations) for review from the regulated health professions within this group. Our current attention has been on establishing the grandfathering process of all eligible members from CMMOTA(Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association), NHPC(Natural Health Practitioners of Canada, and of course, MTAS. We continue to negotiate the inaugural budget and the contribution amount from all 3 associations.
A huge thanks to Ken Ansell, Todd Rintoul and Lori Green for their continued commitment to this project.
MTAS is sustaining a great working relationship with Rebecca Bayliss, senior policy analyst with the Ministry of Health, who remains available to answer questions on our progress so far.
Lori and I were invited to attend an online meeting with the Ministry of Health on July 19th that was to introduce the new umbrella legislation the SK government has put in place: Bill 120, The Miscellaneous Statutes (Health Professions) Amendment Act, 2022. It was cancelled at the last minute. The only changes it has to our Massage Act is that it is now titled 2021 CHAPTER 18; An Act respecting the Practice of Massage Therapy and the Saskatchewan College of Massage Therapy. There seems to be no apparent differences between this document and the previous Bill 3.
“Above all else, a professional massage therapist has to be able to show compassion for their clients and provide reassurance when there is a need. At times, their clients may find themselves in difficult or frustrating situations and they need someone to listen, to understand and respect their wishes or point of view. If they respond kindly, with empathy and understanding, it will have a positive impact on their clients.” https://therapitylino.co.uk/blog/qualities-of-a-professional-massage-therapist
Thank you to each and every one of you members of MTAS for making this association the great association it is!
A huge thank you to my fellow Board members: Jordan Smith, Aileen Tran-Mapletoft, Amanda Gara, Natalie Cargan, Tim Rutley, and Lara Brierley. There has been much growth in the Board this past year both professionally and personally. You’ve kept your nose to the grindstone and have generously shared your gifts and more importantly, your precious time! Your hard work and commitment are much appreciated!
Thanks to all of my fellow colleagues for your continued support of MTAS.
And last but not least, a tremendous thank you to our amazing staff: Executive Director Lori Green, Member Services Manager Jayne Little and Chief Examiner Mieka Dueckman. Your dedication to promoting and upholding the massage therapy profession does not go unnoticed. You hold tremendous value within our organization and for that we truly grateful.
Respectfully submitted,
Camille Lapierre, RMT
Chair of the MTAS Board of Directors
Dear Members,
It is my privilege to present the Secretary's report for the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Massage Therapist Association of Saskatchewan, Inc. (MTAS).
It’s not often that I directly address you, our wonderful Members. The remarkable work accomplished by the Executive Director and my fellow Board members often takes centre stage, as reflected in their reports. However, I seize this moment to continue highlighting the great work our Board has done through this report. Specifically, outlining key activities, achievements, and updates from our board’s endeavors over the past membership year (01 November 2022 – 31 October 2023).
Lastly, I offer a brief overview of the dynamics of our Board meetings and the decision-making processes we undertake to, perhaps, demystify these procedures and ease any concerns you may have about engaging with the Board. Ultimately, I hope this fosters interest for you to potentially join the Board in the future!
Key Activities & Achievements
Under the leadership of our President and the guidance of our Executive Director, the Board of Directors and MTAS committees diligently worked to fulfill MTAS’s mission, vision, and goals of encouraging and enhancing the art, science, and practice of massage therapy. (Explanation: In our context, ‘mission, vision, and goals’ refer to our overarching purpose, future aspirations, and specific objectives that guide our actions and decisions.)
During the reporting period, the Board of Directors, the committees, the Executive Director, and the staff convened regularly to address various matters pertinent to the organization's mission and membership, and actively engaged in decision-making and operational planning to further the objectives of MTAS.
The Board engaged in strategic planning sessions to review and revise MTAS’s mission, vision, and goals to align with evolving industry needs and regulatory changes. They implemented strategies to enhance member engagement, including surveys, focus groups, and membership events to gather feedback and improve services. Additionally, they made decisive motions such as adjusting passing grades and criteria for examinations and increasing teleconference honorariums.
Furthermore, the Board explored sponsorship opportunities to support MTAS events and initiatives and developed a financially responsible marketing plan. (Explanation: Being ‘financially responsible’ in our marketing activities means ensuring that our spending is prudent and effective, maximizing the value of our resources.)
They also organized educational conferences, continuing education events, and professional development opportunities for members to enhance their skills and knowledge, demonstrating proactive efforts to advance the organization’s mission and serve its members effectively.
Throughout the reporting period, the Board deliberated on a total of 36 motions. (Explanation: ‘Motions’ are formal proposals made during board meetings to take action or make decisions.)
Key motions passed included approving agendas and meeting minutes, allocating bonuses, hiring staff, contracting speakers for events, setting grades and criteria for examinations, and approving financial statements. These motions underscore the proactive approach taken by the Board in addressing critical issues and guiding the direction of MTAS.
Action Items
In addition to motions, the Board and Executive Director identified and pursued 55 action items aimed at enhancing organizational efficiency, member services, and strategic initiatives. These include reviewing and revising employee contracts, drafting job descriptions, seeking funding opportunities, recruiting committee members, organizing training sessions, marketing events, and engaging with external stakeholders such as insurance providers and potential sponsors. These action items reflect the dedication of Board members to translate decisions into tangible outcomes that benefit MTAS and its stakeholders.
The comprehensive efforts of the Board and the Executive Director, as evidenced by the motions and action items undertaken, demonstrate a steadfast commitment to the advancement of MTAS's mission and the interests of its members.
Board Meeting Dynamics & Decision-Making
Ever wondered what unfolds during Board meetings and how decisions are reached? Contrary to popular belief, it's not all rigid and formal! Our Board embraces a relaxed approach to decision-making. While motions are proposed by Board members or committee chairs, discussions are open-ended, allowing every Board member to voice opinions and pose questions before voting. Votes are conducted verbally, with a simple majority needed for a motion to pass, and minutes are recorded to document decisions and actions taken during meetings. In the realm of meetings, 'minutes' are a written or recorded summary of what happens during a meeting, encompassing topics discussed, decisions made, and notable points raised. Serving as an official record, minutes are invaluable for reference and dissemination to absent Board members. I hope this insight sheds light on the inner workings of the Board and demystifies some aspects of what a Board does.
Looking Ahead
As we move forward into the coming year, I see MTAS remaining committed to advocating for the profession of massage therapy, supporting its members, and upholding the highest standards of practice. We will continue to adapt to regulatory changes, enhance member engagement, and strive for excellence in all our endeavors.
I extend my gratitude to the Board of Directors, Executive Director, committee members, staff, and all MTAS members for their dedication and contributions to our association. Together, we will continue to grow and strengthen the massage therapy profession in Saskatchewan.
Thank you, again, for the opportunity to serve as your Secretary, and I look forward to another successful year ahead.
Aileen Tran Mapletoft, RMT
Secretary, Massage Therapist Association of Saskatchewan, Inc.
In comparison to last years financial report our investments are doing much better. This has brought our deficit from $65,924 from the previous year to $18,039 for this year. Overall, we are very pleased with the Financial Statements from October 2023.
Lori and I still continue to meet with Virginia Pavo from Harbourfront Wealth Management about our investments.
That is all I have to report for now.
Amanda Gara, RMT
Finance Chair
Greetings to all our Members, both returning and new!
2023 was another great year for the MTAS Board of Directors. I felt we accomplished a lot this year and am excited for 2024! Many thanks to our amazing Board - Camille Lapierre, Aileen Tran Mapletoft, Amanda Gara, Jordan Smith, Tim Rutley, Lara Brierley.
Thank you to our past Vice-Chair Erin Sobkow for all your hard work for MTAS. Special thanks and admiration for our Staff - Lori Green, Jayne Little and Mieka Dueckman.
This year we:
- concluded a complaint made in 2022 - recommendations were made to the Member regarding future conduct and warning for future discipline if recommendations are not followed
- received, investigated and concluded one complaint - recommendations were made with no formal discipline
- received and resolved two complaints without investigation
- received two complaints that were dismissed as they did not involve MTAS members
The Complaints and Investigations Committee thanks you for your hard work and commitment to following the Bylaws and Policies set forth by the Massage Therapist Association of Saskatchewan. A copy of our Bylaws and Code of Conduct can be found online at www.saskmassagetherapy.com. We encourage you to read over our Bylaws and Code of Conduct yearly to ensure compliance and dedication to the safety and professionalism of our profession.
Natalie Cargan
MTAS Complaints and Investigations Director
This year the Competency Committee approved 55 courses that were submitted for assessment. These submissions offer our members almost ninety credit hours more than last year at 657.5 hours. This total does not include the online webinars or recorded lectures that are offered to MTAS members throughout the year by other companies, associations and/or individuals.
MTAS continues to search out new learning for members, not just in North America but worldwide, and we appreciate being informed if a member sees a new opportunity.
Thank you to Jayne Little, Lori Green, Jordan Smith, Katelyn Pidperyhora, and the Board. Your support and knowledge are essential for this committee to succeed. I also thank the members for your willingness to learn, review, and discover.
Lara Brierley, RMT, CLT-LANA
Competency Chair
Good morning to my fellow Board members and fellow MTAS members!
Another year has passed by quickly! I’m in the process of refreshing the affinity program and ideas of how to better open communication with members, and what my role will look like once the College is in place. You will more then likely be seeing me out and about. I would love if we could have a few members or student members join the Affinity committee from each community. As a member in your community you know what is there plus you have connections with local businesses and can advocate for your practice. We have identified that there is still a lot to be done in getting more Provincially diverse sponsors. Saskatchewan Massage Therapist supporting Saskatchewan Business!
We are growing this program gradually and I am proud of our work in this area so far we have:
• Elk Ridge Resort- 15% off regular rate, are Black out dates
• Harden and Huyse Chocolates- starting at 10% off chocolates (the more we use the more our discount goes up)
• Body-fuel Organics (Regina)- 10% off In store/online,(MTAS10)
• GoodLife Fitness
• Popeyes Supplements All Saskatoon Location- 10% off plus phone orders and now online orders code MTAS
• Nina Lane Wellness- 15% off first consultation and 10% off products
• Jenn Vibert- 15% off comprehensive online coaching, 15% off one time program design and 10% additional services (marco calc, meal plan counselling, and nutrition boot-camps
• BFL Canada
• Dusyk & Barlow
• Penncorp
• Sunlife- Health and Dental Group Benefit Plans
• Bell Canada
• Above & Beyond Events-10% off all services
• PGI Printers- 15% off any Print and 10% off any promo order
• Rogers Mobile
• Mindzplay Solutions
• Core 8 Pro- 10% off services
• Chekkit
• OneLocal- is a marketing solutions: 15% off for members
• Timeline Safety Training – First Aid Training
• Beating Hearts First Aid- (Regina and Area)
• Human Kinetics-CEU’s 10% off all Products
• Seminars for Health
• Perkopolis- which gives access to 50+ other deals
• Complete Purchasing Services(CPS)
• Western Therapeutic Supply- 10% off Orthopedic Braces, salt therapy, massage tools and TENS machines
• Highland Sports(verbal at cost(tier system) they haven’t completed the contract)
Even though they are not a partner I still want to mention Sage - 20% off bring in your business license / Member card.
Thank-you to being so patient with us as we work hard for you! HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE VISITED ANY OF OUR AFFINITY PARTNERS? WHAT WAS YOUR EXPERIENCE LIKE? I personally would love to hear about them.
The first thing that will be happening is Affinity surveys will be going out to our partners and membership before the AGM. We will collect the data and see what possible changes need to happen, and what I as a Board member should improve upon.
I encourage you to extend your support of this program. We continue to welcome new suggestions to this list. The Affinity program can be found with more details in the members-only section on our website. Click the tab scroll down to the affinity program! This committee is all about Public Relations and creating an atmosphere of community within the MTAS membership.
Tim Rutley RMT, CSMTA(SCM)
PR/Membership Chair
For those new members I’d like to take a moment and re-introduce myself. I have been a member of MTAS for 12 years now and currently in my 2nd term as a member of the Board of Directors.
Over the past year I have had the pleasure to serve our membership and my fellow Board members. I continue to facilitate the Cadaver Labs at the University of Saskatchewan with Dr. Mohamed, and to assist Lara Brierley on her continuing education committee. To my fellow Board members I want to extend a huge thank you for your dedication and incredible efforts
this past year as we navigate the waters we charter for our continued success and growth as an organization.
To Lori and Jayne there are never enough accolades for the amount of work and hours you both go above and beyond.
As I reflect on the past and look forward to the future, I wish to announce my desire to seek re-election for another term.
Thank you all for your time and I look forward to the year ahead of us.
Respectfully submitted.
Jordan R. Smith RMT
There has been a great deal of activity in the CMTA this year with the addition of a wonderful Executive Administrator, a strong President and Management team and interested members.
The CMTA and MTAM (Manitoba) hosted their first national membership online seminar on February 8th, 2023, to provide a GST/HST exemption update. The CMTA AGM was held April 13th, 2023. MTAS remains on the Management team as Secretary (Lori Green), RMTBC President (Gordon MacDonald), MTANS Vice President (Amy Lynne Graves) and MTAM Treasurer (Tricia Weidenbacher).
MTAS extended a warm welcome and hosted the in person CMTA meetings September 14th, 15th and 16th, 2023 in Saskatoon. Unfortunately, Newfoundland and Labrador were unable to join us. Having familiar faces enhanced the spirit of collaboration established the year prior and was again a very productive weekend. The CMTA participated in Strategic Planning for a National presence and created a document that clearly articulates the direction of the CMTA.
Vision: The Canadian Massage Therapy Association provides a forum for advocacy, sharing, and collaboration between and among massage therapy organizations, and is nationally and internationally recognized as a respected, integral partner in healthcare.
Mission: As the national voice for massage therapy, the Canadian Massage Therapy Association encourages evidence-informed practice and provides leadership to the massage therapy profession in Canada.
The CMTA has renewed a partnership with The Massage Therapy Foundation which holds an abundance of resources. As a member of the CMTA, all MTAS members have free access to all of their resources. We encourage our members and student members to take out their free membership with the MTF. https://massagetherapyfoundation.org/
The Sexual Harassment and Assault working group has completed the project. This study addressed the need to better understand the rates and nature of Canadian massage therapists’ experiences of sexual harassment and assault in the workplace. All active and student members of massage therapy associations across Canada were invited to participate on three separate occasions. The final report was completed by Morgan Richard, Doctoral student from the University of New Brunswick in collaboration with the CMTA in October. You can find the report by clicking this link. ..SHAWG Final Report (2).pdf. The CMTA is currently working on pamphlets, posters, and workshops to provide more assistance, information, and services to our memberships.
Perlinger Group Benefits continues to be the group benefit plan provider for the CMTA. Renewals and new membership will open in March of this year. Please contact them if you haven’t explored this as an option for you and/or your family.
A few glitches surfaced with translating the CMTA website from English to French. It is almost complete and should be going live in the very near future.
GST/HST campaign. The committee has been working towards GST/HST exemption for several years now. This year there have been meetings with Members of Parliament and a large push for exemption that is creating a good distraction. Are you aware that Massage Therapy is the only health profession that isn’t exempt? In the Eastern provinces HST can be as high as 15%. CMTA is working together to remove the GST. We have e-mailed you a petition for your patients to participate in. Please support your fellow Canadian RMTs.
Respectfully submitted,
Camille Lapierre, President, RMT
Lori Green Executive Director, MTAS
I am feeling grateful, privileged and somewhat excited to be addressing this diverse and hard-working membership in this report of the activities of the Massage Therapist Association of Saskatchewan (MTAS) Board and administration.
It seems for so many years the template of the reports from this office has been on the focus of achieving regulation of massage therapy and becoming recognized health professionals not just in Saskatchewan but Canada. We have reached and obtained the Massage Therapy Act and currently working on the Regulation. We now are looking internally at how our Association will evolve to meet the needs of our membership in this new environment.
MTAS has been a leader in this Province for many years in trying to maintain the high standards of Associations who work in regulated Provinces and now with Proclamation approaching it is time that we once again re-evaluate the priorities and needs of our membership. Camille Lapierre, Todd Rintoul, Ken Ansell and I continue to work together on the working group for the SCMT (Saskatchewan College of Massage Therapy) monthly. We are happy to see things moving forward and now with some documents in consultation we are working together on the process of entry into the College.
The Board met in June of 2023 for Strategic Planning and established a two-year plan for moving forward. We embarked on using the methods of the non-profit lifecycle and reviewed the many successes of the Association, the hard work, the highs and hard decisions that we made along the way and now are ready to embark on a new strategy of moving forward in this new world. A world of Legislation, technology and on-line learning. We have reached the apex of our priorities and now are moving forward to renew, evaluate and move into a new world solely focused on membership engagement and advocacy.
Our number one priority for the foreseeable future is that of a Board of Directors that does not only work for the membership but works together with the membership to have active participation that grows our presence in Saskatchewan and thus Nationally through our commitment with the Canadian Massage Therapy Association (CMTA).
Our main strategic objectives are:
- Membership engagement through member surveys, rewards to membership, focus groups.
- To move into more accessible activities provided by technology with online courses, webinars, YouTube channel, revamped website.
- Building our membership from fellow CMTA RMTs transferring to Saskatchewan, and new member engagement. To create mentoring and relaxed engagement opportunities with student members.
- To work to create and utilize sponsorship and marketing to input more financial resources to the Association.
The Board has committed to monthly meetings all held in the evening with the exception of two in-house meetings annually. They do their committee work outside this time and have contributed many hours to managing new policies, objectives, and moving forward in their strategic areas of change. We are a collegial group who invite lively discussion and work primarily on achieving consensus whenever possible. I continue to work with the Board and committees by providing support and consultation whenever it is needed.
The world of therapeutic massage is changing, and that of the massage therapist. We were happy to see that SGI and WCB has recognized the need for our therapists to have a higher compensation and we received through negotiation the highest percentage ever for our therapists. MTAS continues to be the only Association recognized by these two government services due to our integrity and high standards.
I would like to thank the Board of Directors, particularly our President Camille Lapierre, who has been a beacon in the leadership of this Association. To the Board for your hard work and support over the past year, which had it shares of ups and downs, and to the membership for your questions, comments, and patience in the long road of Legislation and the continued support for moving this Association forward.
No-one that works in a non-profit corporation has a position that allows you to work in solitude; there are many moving parts. Jayne Little continues to be an anchor for the membership and consultant and excellent support for myself in this position. Mieka Dueckman who dedicates hours of work in maintaining, adapting, promoting and editing our membership qualifying exam which can more than often be a thankless job. I thank you both.
We look forward to sharing our new initiatives with you blooming in spring and summer of this new year.
With gratitude and pride,
Lori Green
Executive Director
Membership composition as of September 19, 2023 (just prior to renewal time):
- 2 - Students
- 5 - Auxiliary
- 6 - Honourary
- 42 - Non-practicing
- 26 - Non-resident practicing
- 755 - Practicing
TOTAL: 836
Changes between November 1, 2022, and October 31, 2023:
- 14 retired.
- 5 changed careers.
- 1 switched to NHPCA (changed focus of practice).
- 2 moved to another province.
- 2 removed by MTAS for non-compliance.
12 members switched from practicing to non-practicing status.
22 members switched from non-practicing to practicing status.
We reinstated 2 members who had previously let their membership lapse.
29 new members were added, including 7 who relocated from a regulated province.
Current number of members (March, 2023): 814
I remain grateful to Lori and the Board for continuing to support my working from home on Tuesday and Wednesday. I am still available in the Saskatoon office on Monday and Thursday each week and am happy to adjust as required to accommodate appointments and meetings.
Our new self-service tool for managing your own con-ed file and personal profile has been embraced by many of you. We will continue to improve this feature – watch for updates this year!
Online membership renewal is now the norm, with over 99% of members using this system. The process is efficient and simple, which benefits everyone and results in far fewer late renewals. We now accept more payments by e-transfer than any other method, which has the added benefit of reducing the credit card transaction fees we pay. This tool has not only streamlined the renewal process for members but has also brought the added benefit of reducing the amount of paper, ink, and postage we consume.
We continue to try to support those members for whom compliance with regulatory requirements is a constant struggle.
All of our communication with members is now done electronically. We have switched to using CyberImpact, a platform that is not integrated with our membership database, and so should reduce the number of ad messages that are not delivered or are flagged as junk mail.
In the face of reduced revenue from workshops, we have been fortunate to rent our classroom space to several new groups, including members, this year. Now that the COVID situation is behind us, we look forward to this trend picking up to pre-pandemic levels.
Membership Pins
This year we have mailed out 145 long-service pins to our members:
5 years – 25 members (2019- reg. numbers)
10 years – 35 members (2014- reg. numbers)
15 years – 26 members (2009- reg. numbers)
20 years – 33 members (2004- reg. numbers)
25 years – 26 members (99- reg. numbers)
Congratulations and thank you to all for your continued loyalty to the Association and commitment to the profession!
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” — Socrates.
The future is here! Online education is now commonplace and widely acknowledged as being here to stay. Many of our respected course providers have moved their course content from in-person to either home-study/distance learning or online via live or recorded webinar. We now receive and approve more online and home-study con-ed opportunities for credits than we do live workshops. Nevertheless, we still offer options for those who prefer hands-on learning.
- We continued our long-standing relationship with Dr. Mohamed at the University of Saskatchewan Department of Anatomy, hosting two sold-out cadaver labs in May and October.
- Our workshop in conjunction with last April’s AGM in Saskatoon, with BC physiotherapists Kerry Carlson and Tera Mezynski, was not as well attended as we had hoped, with only 23 attendees. Fortunately for our members, the instructors were amenable to renegotiating the contract, so we were not forced to disappoint those who did register by cancelling the event.
- We hosted Robert Libbey, RMT from BC in September. With regrettably low numbers (10 people), to cut costs and not cancel the event, we relocated the event from a hotel in Regina to our office classroom in Saskatoon.
- Amanda Everitt, certified Red Cross instructor, offered 25 CPR/SFA classes in our Saskatoon office space throughout the year. Amanda continues to offer classes with masks and without, and we are grateful that she is willing to accommodate preferences.
- Several approved con-ed providers attempted to hold workshops in Saskatchewan and cancelled due to low or no registrations.
We appreciate your continued confidence in our ability to provide you with value for your membership dollars. As always, we welcome your constructive comments and suggestions and use them to adapt the way we conduct business and interact with our members and other stakeholders.
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein.
Jayne L. Little, B.A.(Hons)
Member Services Manager
Congratulations and welcome to all the new members of MTAS that joined us in 2023! Good luck to you as you start your professional career as an RMT.
Last year we continued with the usual 3 sittings (January, June and August) of our membership qualifying exam. From these sittings we received 19 new members to our association which was slightly down from our previous year.
In 2023, our exam and exam process remained the same, with some candidates still struggling due to the lack of education given. This continues to make it difficult and frustrating for our team of examiners. We consistently see candidates that struggle with meeting the basic level competency for massage therapy. It is our goal to keep the line of communication open with all schools to help aid students with meeting national standards.
In 2024, we plan on adding some alternative exam dates to help coincide with schools graduation dates. It is our hope that this may aid students in getting into the workforce sooner as well as testing them while content is fresh in their brains.
I look forward to the new year to see what it will bring. Many thanks go out to the exam team and Jayne as it would not be possible without them.
Mieka Dueckman
Chief Examiner
The 2022-2023 MTAS Board of Directors consisted of 8 members.
Camille Lapierre - President
Erin Sobkow - Vice President - resigned
Aileen Tran-Mapletoft - Secretary
Amanda Gara - Finance
Natalie Cargan – Complaints and Investigation
Lara Brierley – Competency/Continuing Education
Tim Rutley – Public Relations
Jordan Smith – Member at Large/Interim Vice President
I would like thank and acknowledge the dedication and many hours of hard work to our Board members and thank Erin Sobkow for her years of service on the Board of Directors.
Four members will be continuing their second-year terms: Camille Lapierre, Aileen Tran Mapletoft, Tim Rutley, and Natalie Cargan.
The following members are letting their name stand for another term: Jordan Smith, Amanda Gara and Lara Brierley.
The nomination form has been included in this AGM package. If you are interested in running for the Board of Directors, please submit the form to the office prior to March 22, so we can distribute your nomination information prior to the AGM .
3.1 Number and Term of Board Members
The Board shall consist of not less than five (5) Board members, four (4) of whom shall also be the officers of the Association and no more than ten (10) Board members. Subject to the Act and the Articles, the Members may, by ordinary resolution passed at an annual general meeting, increase the number of Board members. Each Board Member or Officer (herein collectively referred to as “Board Members”) shall hold office for a term of two (2) years commencing on the date of election. The offices of the Association shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Past-President. The Board members at the first meeting of the Board shall choose the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The first board meeting will occur after the Annual General Meeting. Notwithstanding Section 3.3, the Member who held the office of President of the Association for the term of office immediately prior to an annual general meeting at which a new President is elected shall, if willing to do so, continue to act as a Director/Officer of the Association, without election by the Members, for the next ensuing term of office and shall hold the office of Past President.
3.2 Eligibility for Election
Any practicing Member or Non-resident Practicing Member with voting rights, in good standing, with the exception of an owner or operator of a massage therapy training school, or director of another massage therapy association, who is qualified to act as a director pursuant to the Act shall be eligible for election to the Board. A retiring Board Member shall be eligible for re-election. All interested applicants who are eligible for election or re- election to the Board of Directors must have the MTAS application form submitted a minimum of twenty-one days prior to the Annual General Meeting. All applicants’ biographies will be provided in the Annual General Meeting reports
3.3 Election at Annual General Meeting
At each annual general meeting of the Association the Members shall elect Board Members to fill the vacant board positions. Each Board Member that has served for the immediately preceding term shall retire at the dissolution or adjournment of the annual general meeting and the Members entitled to vote thereat shall elect Board Members to replace such retiring Board Members. The Member who held the position of President immediately prior to the election of a new Board at an annual general meeting shall be deemed to have been elected as a Board Member of the Association and shall hold the office of Past-President.
Bylaw Amendments
Amendment #1 - Duties of Officers
Bylaw 4.2 (c)
BIRT: To insert (vi) That the secretary or delegate be authorized to correct article and section designation, punctuation, and cross-references and to make such other technical and confirming changes as may be necessary to reflect the intent of the Association in connection with the Bylaws. Correction of article or section numbers or cross references that cannot result in a change of meaning can be delegated.
Rationale: In the process of amending or inserting necessary changes in designation by number or letter may be presumed to have been included in the action.
Moved by: Natalie Cargan
Seconded by: Lara Brierley
Amendment #2 - 11.8 Standards of Practice - Quality Assurance
Bylaw 11.8 (5)(c)(v)
Current: The nipple, areola, genitals, perineum, and anus must not be undraped. Only when Manual Lymphatic Drainage treatment is done to the breast area may the Member only uncover the nipple and areola with the client’s prior written consent.
BIRT: To add only when breast massage therapy treatment is clinically indicated, may the Member uncover the nipple and areola with the client’s prior written consent.
Rationale: There may be circumstances when clinically indicated breast massage does not necessitate manual lymph drainage.
New Bylaw: The nipple, areola, genitals perineum, and anus must not be undraped. Only when Manual Lymph Drainage or clinically indicated breast massage therapy is done may the Member uncover the nipple and areola with the client’s prior written consent.
Moved by: Pam Fichtner
Seconded By: Aileen Tran Mapletoft
Amendment #3 - 11.8 Standards of Practice - Sexual Ethics
Bylaw 11.8 (6)(e)(viii)
The Member will not commit any form of sexual abuse of the client. Sexual abuse includes but is not limited to:
Current: (e ) (viii) Touching or undraping the areola or nipple, without the client’s written consent and/or with no intention to provide Manual Lymphatic Drainage.
BIRT: To remove Manual Lymphatic Drainage and add clinically indicated breast massage therapy. To delete /or.
Rationale: There may be circumstances when clinically indicated breast massage does not necessitate manual lymph drainage.
New Bylaw: (viii) Touching or undraping the areola or nipple, without the client’s written consent and with no intention to provide clinically indicated breast massage therapy.
Moved by: Pam Fichtner
Seconded By: Aileen Tran Mapletoft
Amendment #4 - 11.8 Standards of Practice - Sexual Ethics
Bylaw11.8 (6)(e)(ix)
Current: (ix) Touching or undraping the breast for any purpose other than appropriate treatment to which the client has provided consent, or incidental contact resulting from the provision of CPR or other emergency measures;
BIRT: To remove appropriate treatment and add clinically indicated breast massage therapy
Rationale: To be specific to the area that a patient is receiving treatment.
New Bylaw: (ix) Touching or undraping the breast for any purpose other than clinically indicated breast massage therapy treatment to which the client has provided consent, or incidental contact resulting from the provision of CPR or other emergency measures.
Moved by: Pam Fichtner
Seconded by: Aileen Tran Mapletoft
Amendment #5 - 11.8 Standards of Practice - Sexual Ethics
Bylaw 11.8 (6)(e)
BIRT: To insert under 11.8 (6) (e) (ix) Any clinically indicated manual lymph drainage requires the appropriate specialized training and additional written consent for the treatment.
Rationale: Manual Lymph Drainage is considered beyond basic massage therapy competency.
Moved by: Lara Brierley
Seconded by: Aileen Tran Mapletoft
Amendment #6 - 11.1 Eligibility for Membership
BIRT: To insert 11.1 (c) Candidates who are members of the Saskatchewan College of Massage Therapy
Rationale: To prepare for the proclamation of the College in coming into force.
Moved by: Tim Rutley
Seconded by: Jordan Smith
Amendment #7 - 11.3 Classification of Membership
BIRT: To insert 11.3 (g) Retiree Membership
Retiree Membership: Individuals with a minimum of 10 years' prior membership in the Massage Therapist Association of Saskatchewan (MTAS) may qualify for Retiree Membership.
Retired members will be able to enjoy numerous benefits similar to those offered to active members, such as discounted programs, services, access to continuing education opportunities and group health benefits. Subject to the Act and the Articles, a Retired Member shall be entitled to attend and be heard at meetings of the Members, but shall not be entitled to vote thereat, may not hold office in the Association, but may assist on Committees of the Board.
A candidate for Retiree Membership in the Association must:
(i) Pay the Retiree Membership fee and other annual dues pursuant to Section 11.5; and
(ii) Complete the prescribed membership request form.
The Association shall not issue a license number to a Retired Member. Retired Members shall not practice massage therapy or use the Association’s logo or emblem.
Rationale: Massage Therapists often have extensive work-related pain and need to leave the profession early in search of a new position. Retirees who wish to continue to align themselves with the profession can continue to participate in Association events and attend educational opportunities of interest.
Ref: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9401083/
Moved by: Jordan Smith
Seconded by: Amanda Gara
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